Are you looking for an opportunity to share your research with members of the University community? If so, Princeton Research Day (PRD) could be the perfect event for you. This annual initiative, which will take place this year on May 10th, brings together undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and other non-faculty researchers to present their work. PRD offers researchers the chance to practice communicating their findings, attend professional development workshops on poster design and presentation skills, and connect with a diverse group of fellow researchers. PRD participants also have the opportunity to win one of several awards that recognize exceptional presentations. Read about PRD in more detail on the event’s website and in past PCUR posts!

The deadline to submit applications for Princeton Research Day is Friday, February 16 at 5pm EST. The application primarily involves a short project summary written for a non-specialist audience that explains the project’s premise and why audience members would find it exciting. Applicants are additionally asked to choose their preferred presentation format from among five options: a 10-minute talk, a 10-minute talk with performance component, a 90-second pitch, a poster presentation/visual exhibit, and a video or digital presentation. You can find more specific instructions and the PRD application here!
Don’t miss this opportunity to hone your presentation skills and share a project of which you are proud with the Princeton community! In past years, PCURs (including current Natural Sciences Correspondent, Alec) have presented and had great, memorable experiences. If you are not sure whether a project you are working on would be a good fit for PRD, take a look at the PRD website and browse through past presentations. PRD prides itself on being a highly interdisciplinary event featuring presentations on everything from medical research to costume design, so there’s a place for even the most unconventional projects.
— Emma Kaeser, Social Sciences Correspondent