Virginia Cobbs ’25

Chief Correspondent

Concentration: African American Studies

Degree: A.B.

Research Interests: Racism in healthcare, Tech mediated bias in criminal justice, bumble bee social behavior, Parkinson’s Disease

Bio: My name is Virginia and I am a junior in the African American Studies department. I grew up in Birmingham,  AL (roll tide!) and as someone pursuing a career in healthcare, my research interests are often at the intersection of race and medicine. I also spent a gap year before Princeton studying Parkinson’s Disease, and a summer after freshman year researching bumble bees. More recently,  I have been working with Prof. Fuentes studying racial bias in medical algorithms, and I am also a part of Prof. Benjamin’s Just Data Lab studying how technology mediates bias and racism in the criminal justice system. When not in the lab, you can find me either competitively sailing or volunteering as an EMT with the Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad.

Recent posts by Virginia Cobbs

Ignacio Arias Philippi ’25

Humanities Correspondent

Ignacio Arias Philippi headshotConcentration: History

Degree Program: A.B.

Certificate Programs: Medieval Studies, Roman Language and Culture

Research Interests: Legal history, German language and culture, Polyliteracy, Paleography

Bio: My name is Ignacio Arias and I am a senior from Puerto Rico. My research in the History department has focused on legal history of various kinds, especially canon law, from Late Antiquity to Early Modern times. Other interests include Austrian history and classical music. Outside of academic research, I am also involved with the Aquinas Institute, the Princeton Tower Club, and Sinfonia. 

Recent posts by Ignacio Arias Philippi

Gabriel Ascoli ’27

Humanities Correspondent

Headshot of Gabriel Ascoli holding snakeConcentration: Classics, Molecular Biology

Degree Program: A.B.

Research Interests: Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, Philosophy, Oncology, Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences

Bio: My name is Gabriel, and I’m a sophomore from Northern Virginia. As a pre-health student studying classics and biology, I’m interested in ancient Greek and Roman literature and philosophy, particularly when it comes to treating the sick, their ideology towards the values of other lives, and other humanistic and philosophical questions (think famous physicians such as Hippocrates or Galen, as well as philosophers and poets!). I’m currently a part of the Kang lab at Princeton, investigating how we can harness the human immune system and bolster it to attack early-stage breast tumors before they metastasize to other parts of the body. I’ve also conducted research in microbiology (developing a solution to antibiotic-resistant bacteria), and classics (exploring the connection between ancient Roman history and literature and modern-day white supremacy). At Princeton, you’ll find me taking excessively long walks, or taking advantage of free coffee somewhere.

Recent posts by Gabriel Ascoli

Rebecca Cho ’26

Natural Sciences Correspondent

Photograph of young woman smiling staring at the cameraConcentration: Geosciences

Degree Program: A.B.

Certificate Programs: Environmental Studies

Research Interests: Biogeochemistry, Climate Science, Reconstruction Modeling, Environmental Science

Bio: I am a sophomore from Long Island, NY, looking to concentrate in Geosciences! My research interests include the exploration of past climate-tectonic interactions and the past marine environment to understand how different aspects of the physical planet are responding to rapid climate change. I am also interested in the influence of these physical changes on public health and society. Outside of research, I love listening to music and reading. On campus, you can find me dancing or performing the cello and piano. 

Recent posts by Rebecca Cho

Advik Eswaran ’27

Natural Sciences Correspondent

Headshot of Advik EswaranConcentration: Geosciences

Degree Program: A.B.

Research Interests: Glaciology, Paleoclimate, Climate Science, Machine Learning, Earth History

Bio: My name is Advik, and I’m a sophomore from the Seattle area. I’m interested in researching how Earth’s climate has changed in the past, so that we can better understand how it might change in the future. Currently, I’m part of the Maloof Research Group, where I work on developing machine learning methods to reconstruct ancient fossils; I’ve also been involved with research at the University of Washington on reconstructing Antarctic snowfall trends since the onset of anthropogenic climate change. Outside of research, you can find me competitively sailing, wandering around the outdoors, or reading. 

Recent posts by Advik Eswaran

Yubi Mamiya ’26

Engineering Correspondent

Person with long dark hair wearing a tan blazer and white shirt smiling at the cameraConcentration: Computer Science

Certificate Program/Minor: Engineering Biology, Global Health and Health Policy

Degree Program: B.S.E.

Research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Neurotechnology, Disease and Disorders, Mental Health, Reproductive Justice, Healthcare, Educational Equity, Sustainability, Music and Art in Social Movements

Bio: I’m Yubi and I’m a sophomore from Shoreline, WA interested in computer science. I hope to develop artificial intelligence-based software that improves the effectiveness and accessibility of healthcare for underserved communities. Outside of research, I love singing at Saturday Morning Arts, running with Princeton Running Club, and reading.

Recent posts by Yubi Mamiya

Nathan Nguyen ’27

Engineering Correspondent

Headshot of Nathan NguyenConcentration: Chemical and Biological Engineering

Degree Program: B.S.E.

Certificate Programs: Sustainable Energy, Bioengineering

Research Interests: Bioengineering, Biomolecular Engineering, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Renewable Energy, Machine Learning and AI

Bio: Hi everyone! I’m Nathan, and I hail all the way from Hanoi, Vietnam. Before Princeton, though, I lived in the sunshine city of Brisbane, Australia. I am most interested in topics related to sustainability and renewable energy. In my free time, I sing Baritone for Princeton’s FRESHEST low-voice acapella group, the Princeton Footnotes, upcycle and thrift clothes, and hike with friends. 

Recent posts by Nathan Nguyen

Stanley Stoutamire ’27

Social Sciences Correspondent

Headshot of Stanley StoutamireConcentration: TBD

Degree Program: A.B.

Certificate Programs: TBD

Research Interests: Rural Medicine; Healthcare Equity; Neglected American History; Social Implications of Meteorology; Narrative Fantasy

Bio: My name is Stanley and I am a sophomore from the Birmingham, Alabama area. My most recent research has been focused on eliminating inequalities in health outcomes, but I have a variety of interests that I am always glad to talk about! When I’m not working on academics you can find me singing with the Glee club, spending time with the Trenton Youth Orchestra, or enjoying a good book.

Recent posts by Stanley Stoutamire

Angel Toasakul ’27

Natural Sciences Correspondent

Headshot of Angel ToasakulConcentration: Neuroscience

Degree Program: A.B.

Certificate Programs: Planets and Life, Cognitive Science

Research Interests: Neuroscience, Memory, Cognitive Science, Neurochemistry, Neurobiology, Healthcare

Bio: My name is Angel, and I’m a member of the Class of 2027 from Bangkok, Thailand. As a neuroscience major with aspirations in healthcare, I am passionate about the brain and its functions, particularly in relation to memory and cognition. In high school, I conducted a behavioral and psychological study on how recalling positive memories influences creativity, sparking my interest in research. Currently, I am part of the Norman Lab, where I work on utilizing fMRI neurofeedback to understand memory pathways and induce unwanted memory suppression in PTSD patients. Outside of research, I spend my time volunteering both on and off campus and serving as an International Center Leader, organizing International Orientation for incoming students and coordinating cultural activities on campus throughout the year. In my free time, I love getting lost in a good book and discovering new favorite reading spots around campus.

Recent posts by Angel Toasakul

Alexis Wu ’25

Engineering Correspondent

Concentration: Computer Science

Degree Program: B.S.E.

Research Interests: Applications of Computing, Machine Learning, Computer Systems, Public Policy, Game Theory, Ethics, Art History

Bio: My name is Alexis and I am a senior from San Diego, California. I am passionate about integrating my interests in technology and policy to tackle critical issues such as algorithmic fairness and the ethical development of technologies. This is my third year with PCUR, and the articles I’ve written over these years capture the evolution of my academic and research interests. I hope there is an article that excites you, and I would love to hear from our readers about topics they would like to see more of. On campus, I am currently the Undergraduate President of Colonial Club and a student tour guide for the Princeton University Art Museum.

Recent posts by Alexis Wu

Shannon Yeow ’26

Engineering Correspondent

Photograph of young woman in suite with long hair smiling at cameraConcentration: Computer Science

Degree Program: B.S.E.

Research Interests: Avionics, Flight Software, Robotics, Technology and Society, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence

Bio: My name is Shannon Yeow, and I’m from San Diego, California. I am most interested in the applications of computer science in relation to society, focusing on broad technological innovations across artificial intelligence, robotics, and space aviation. In my free time, I enjoy playing sports, spending time outdoors, and hunting down the free food on campus. Whether for research or more generally, I’m always ready for the next adventure!

Recent posts by Shannon Yeow


PCUR Alumni

Good researchers always recognize those who came before them — and we’re no exception. PCUR thanks its former bloggers for their creative and helpful views on independent work:

Abhimanyu Banerjee ’23 – Social Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Economics
Degree Program: A.B.
Research Interests: Monetary policy, fiscal policy, income inequality, financial bubbles, sustainability

Posts by Abhimanyu Banerjee

Jalisha Braxton ’16 – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Psychology
Degree Program: A.B
Certificate Programs: Neuroscience
Research Interests: cognition, learning disorders

Posts by Jalisha Braxton

Ellie Brietfeld ’20 – Chief Correspondent and Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Psychology
Degree Program: A.B
Certificate Programs: Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Linguistics
Research Interests: Developmental psychology, social neuroscience, language learning

Posts by Ellie Breitfeld

Ryan Champeau ’23 – Social Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Princeton School of Public Policy and International Affairs
Degree Program:
Certificate Programs: 
Cognitive Science
Research Interests: Public Policy, Decision-Making, Law, Economics

Posts by Ryan Champeau

Austin Davis ’23 – Humanities Correspondent

Concentration: History
Degree Program: A.B.
Research Interests: History, historical memory, urban studies, post-1900 United States, social stratification and structures, and post-1400 Europe.

Posts by Austin Davis

Bridget Denzer ’23 – Engineering Correspondent

Concentration: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Degree Program: B.S.E.
Certificate Programs: Materials Science, Sustainable Energy
Research Interests: Materials science, nanotechnology, energy technology, sustainability

Posts by Bridget Denzer

Amaya Dressler ’25 – Social Sciences Correspondent

Image depicts a woman staring and smiling at camera with light blonde hair and a light pink t-shirt.Concentration: Anthropology
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Programs: Humanistic Studies, Global Health and Health Policy
Research Interests: Menstrual Health and Dysfunction, Endocrinology, Cognitive Science, Nutrition, Medical Institutions and Health Disparity

Posts by Amaya Dressler

Dylan Blau Edelstein ’17 – Humanities Correspondent

Concentration: Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures
Degree Program: A.B
Certificate Programs: Latin American Studies, Theater, Ethnography
Research Interests: languages, Latin America, theater, culture, gender and sexuality, social movements

Posts by Dylan Blau Edelstein

Mahya Fazel-Zarandi – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Molecular BiologyPhoto depicts a woman with black glasses, smiling at camera wearing a white headscarf and light top.
Degree Program: A.B
Certificate Programs: Quantitative and Computational Biology, Applications of Computing 
Research Interests: Computational biology, Genetics and genetic engineering, Biological chemistry

Posts by Mahya Fazel-Zarandi

Ella Feiner ’22 – Engineering Correspondent

Concentration: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Degree Program:
Certificate Programs:
Quantitative and Computational Biology
Research Interests:
Developmental biology, bioengineering, history of biology, history of medicine

Posts by Ella Feiner

Shanon FitzGerald ’20 – Humanities Correspondent

Concentration: Religion
Degree Program: A.B.
Research Interests: Religion and political theory, American cultural and political history, intellectual history

Posts by Shanon FitzGerald

Elise Freeman ’19 – Humanities Correspondent

Concentration: French and Italian
Degree Program: A.B
Research Interests: International affairs, culture, francophone countries

Posts by Elise Freeman

Yodahe Gebreegziabher ’22 – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Chemistry
Degree Program: A.B.
Research Interests: Applications of Computing, Global Health and Health Policy

Posts by Yodahe Gebreegziabher

Alec Getraer ’19 – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Geosciences
Degree Program: A.B.
Research Interests: Ecology, geology, biogeochemistry, geomorphology, climate science

Posts by Alec Getraer

Taylor Griffith ’18 – Social Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Sociology
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Programs: Creative Writing, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Research Interests: Authors, creative writing, gender, sexuality, media, television

Posts by Taylor Griffith

Stacey Huang ’16 – Engineering Correspondent

Concentration: Electrical Engineering
Degree Program: B.S.E.
Research Interests: laser spectroscopy, applied physics, photonics, circuits

Posts by Stacey Huang

Alec Israeli ’21 – Humanities Correspondent

Concentration: History
Degree Program: A.B.
Research Interests: Labor history, intellectual history, 19th century America, Jewish studies, political theory

Posts by Alec Israeli

Kavi Jain ’18 – Engineering Correspondent

Concentration: Operations Research and Financial Engineering
Degree Program: B.S.E.
Certificate Programs: Statistics and Machine Learning, Applications of Computing
Research Interests: data science, nanotechnology, clean energy, biomimicry

Posts by Kavi Jain

Xander Jenkin – Natural Sciences Correspondent
Photo of young man smiling at camera wearing a Princeton '25 shirt.Concentration: Astrophysics
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Programs: Medieval Studies
Research Interests: Theoretical Astrophysics, Data Analysis, Computer Simulation, Galaxies, Optics, Byzantine Art

Posts by Xander Jenkin

Emma Kaeser ’18 – Chief Correspondent and Social Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Princeton School of Public Policy and International Affairs
Degree Program: A.B
Certificate Programs: Program in French Language and Culture, Program in Urban Studies
Research Interests: Public policy, women and children’s rights, maternal and child health, human rights law

Posts by Emma Kaeser

Cecilia Kim ’23 – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Chemistry
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Programs: Global Health, Materials Science
Research Interests: Drug discovery, translational research, health

Posts by Cecilia Kim

Alexandra Koskosidis ’20 – Engineering Correspondent

Concentration: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Degree Program: B.S.E.
Certificate Programs: Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Applications of Computing
Research Interests: Engineering (chemical/biological, mechanical/aerospace), energy, robotics

Posts by Alexandra Koskosidis

Isabelle Laurenzi ’15 – Inaugural Chief Correspondent
Isabelle Laurenzi

Concentration: Religion
Degree Program: A.B
Certificate Programs: Creative Writing and Humanistic Studies
Research Interests: religion, ethics, and politics, philosophy of religion, expressions of religion and ethics in contemporary literature

Posts by Isabelle Laurenzi

Rafi Lehmann ’20 – Humanities Correspondent

Concentration: History
Degree Program:
Certificate Programs:
Urban Studies, Environmental Studies
Research Interests:
Indigenous Studies, Marxism, Post-colonialism, Yiddish

Posts by Rafi Lehmann

Sandeep Mangat ’24 – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Molecular Biology
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Programs: Neuroscience, History and the Practice of Diplomacy, Contemporary European Politics and Society
Research Interests: Neuroscience, bioenergetics, metabolism, mitochondrial genetics

Bennett McIntosh ’16 – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Chemistry
Degree Program: A.B
Research Interests: biochemistry, protein folding, protein design

Posts by Bennett McIntosh

Yuem Park ’15 – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Geosciences
Degree Program: A.B.
Research Interests: geosciences, geology, structural geology, geochemistry, tectonics

Posts by Yuem Park

Melissa Parnagian ’17 – Chief Correspondent and Social Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Princeton School of Public Policy and International Affairs
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Program: American Studies
Research Interests: politics, race, media, representation, mass culture

Posts by Melissa Parnagian

Shane Patrick ’24 – Humanities Correspondent

Person looking toward camera smiling. They have short, curled dark hair, glasses, and a sweatshirt and t-shirt on.Concentration: Near Eastern Studies
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Program: Medieval Studies, Hellenic Studies, Ancient Roman Language and Culture, Arabic Language and Culture
Research Interests: Religious Communities in the Medieval Middle East, Christian-Muslim Relations, Translation, Numismatics

Posts by Shane Patrick

Andrea Reino ’20 – Social Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Princeton School of Public Policy and International Affairs
Degree Program:
Certificate Program:
Research Interests:
international relations, human rights law, immigration law, criminal justice, prison reform, politics, public policy

Posts by Andrea Reino

Saira Reyes ’21 – Engineering Correspondent

Concentration: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Degree Program: B.S.E.
Research Interests: Metabolic engineering, material science, nanotechnology

Posts by Saira Reyes

Agnes Robang ’23 – Engineering Correspondent

Concentration: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Degree Program: B.S.E.
Certificate Programs: Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Applied and Computational Mathematics
Research Interests: Propulsion, aircraft/spacecraft design optimization, computational modeling and simulation

Posts by Agnes Robang

Kamron Soldozy ’22 – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Neuroscience
Degree Program: A.B
Certificate Programs: Gender and Sexuality Studies, German
Research Interests: Neuroprosthetics, Motor disorders, Learning/Memory, Gender Studies, Sex/Gender Research in Neuroscience

Posts by Kamron Soldozy

Vidushi Sharma ’17 – Humanities Correspondent

Concentration: Philosophy
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Programs: Neuroscience, Humanistic Studies
Research Interests: cognitive science, interdisciplinary learning, classical languages, culture

Posts by Vidushi Sharma

Nanako Shirai ’21 – Chief Correspondent and Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Molecular Biology
Degree Program: A.B.
Research Interests: Structural biology, epigenetics, biomedical ethics, evolutionary biology, public health

Posts by Nanako Shirai

Zoe Sims ’17 – Natural Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Program: Environmental Studies
Research Interests: ecology, environmental science, acclimatization, climate change

Posts by Zoe Sims

Raya Ward ’21 – Social Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Human-Computer Interaction and Design
Degree Program:
Certificate Programs:
Visual Arts, Technology and Society
Research Interests:
Art history, cognitive psychology, media, design, user experience, human-computer interaction, technology

Posts by Raya Ward

Kate Weseley-Jones ’25 –  Humanities Correspondent

Image depicts a woman smiling at the camera. She has long blonde hair, a dark blue top, and is standing in front of a white wall.Concentration: Art History
Degree Program:
Research Interests:
ancient art, heritage conservation, behavioral science, gender studies

Posts by Kate Weseley-Jones

Annie Woehling ’15 – Social Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Anthropology
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Program: Global Health and Health Policy
Research Interests: sexual health and wellness, life sciences, health policy

Posts by Annie Woehling

Nicholas Wu ’18 – Social Sciences Correspondent

Concentration: Princeton School of Public Policy and International Affairs
Degree Program: A.B.
Certificate Programs: Program in American Studies and East Asian Studies Program
Research Interests: Politics, public policy, migration, race, Asian American studies

Posts by Nicholas Wu

Soo Young Yun ’22 – Humanities Correspondent

Concentration: English
Degree Program: A.B.
Research Interests: Minority literature, politics, international relations, history, race in East Asia, gender and sexuality, media

Posts by Soo Young Yun