By now, you might have seen posters, social media advertisements, and even blog posts by Stacey and Melissa about Princeton Research Day this May. Princeton Research Day is a university-wide “research fair”: a day for students to present their research and learn about others’ work. PRD is for student research at all levels– whether a freshman seminar paper or a senior thesis project. The application deadline is THIS FRIDAY at 5 pm, so I wanted to write a post about the value of PRD and the ease of the application!

For me, Princeton Research Day is all about making connections– between students, between students and professors, and even between disciplines. At PRD, you will have the chance to meet other undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers who share your interests. It’s a wonderful place to share your ideas about topics ranging from Buddhist art to financial modeling, with attendees at all stages of their academic careers. The most valuable input I received for my junior paper came from exactly these types of interactions.
At the same time, PRD provides a great chance to explain your research to different kinds of audiences. There is real value in presenting your work to people outside of your field. Of course, there is also value in listening to presentations from people outside of your field — something you will have a chance to do before or after your own PRD presentation.
For all the benefits it provides, the PRD application is wonderfully short. It simply consists of a few fields where you can describe your project and how you plan to prepare a presentation. You can choose among different presentation formats, including a poster presentation, a ten-minute talk, a 90-second pitch, an art exhibition, or a video or digital presentation. You can also suggest your own format, so there is an option for every kind of project and personality. Remember: PRD Applications are due Friday, February 5th at 5pm. Apply now to give yourself the chance to share your research and benefit from others’ work!
–Vidushi Sharma, Humanities Correspondent