As spring quickly approaches and the 2017-2018 school year becomes a not-so-far-off reality, PCUR is starting our annual search for new correspondents! If you are a freshman or sophomore looking to hone your research and writing skills, PCUR could be a great fit for you. Below, each PCUR Correspondent offers their own perspective on what they enjoy about PCUR and why you should apply to join us:
“I love being a part of a close-knit community of student researchers from whom I am constantly learning. PCUR has helped me grow tremendously as a researcher, writer and team member and has pushed me to be more reflective and purposeful in my research. If you are passionate about research and wish to learn more about its role in the Princeton undergraduate experience, PCUR is right for you!”
-Emma Kaeser, Chief Correspondent
“Beyond learning how to articulate my thoughts in succinct ways, PCUR has given me the valuable opportunity to reflect critically upon my work at Princeton. You should apply to PCUR if you want to develop your informal writing and editing skills.”
-Dylan Blau Edelstein, Humanities Correspondent
“Being a part of PCUR has allowed me to reflect on my time doing independent research and also to think about how what I’ve learned can be helpful to others. I’ve joined a wonderful team, learned a lot from everyone, and continue to have a great time working with this group.”
-Taylor Griffith, Social Sciences Correspondent
“PCUR is an outlet where I can think and write about the challenges of research and how I can learn from them. My fellow correspondents are a friendly, fun, diverse, and inspiring group to be part of!”
-Zoe Sims, Natural Sciences Correspondent
“PCUR gives me the much-needed time to reflect on my own experiences at Princeton. I’ve enjoyed contributing to this academic community in a more personal way, and learning a lot about myself in the process!”
-Elise Freeman, Social Sciences Correspondent
“PCUR lets me reflect on what I value in my own campus research experiences and share this with my peers on campus. I love the way our small, quirky group of students from all disciplinary backgrounds complement each other.”
-Vidushi Sharma, Humanities Correspondent