I have been madly in love with the Center for Career Development for quite some time now, but after asking a few people about their thoughts, I realized that not everyone shares the same sentiment. Some people have had negative experiences, and others have simply never utilized the service. I, on the other hand, have been to the Center for Career Development countless times, and I was lucky enough to be paired with the greatest adviser of all time. Ever since then, I’ve only ever gone to this one adviser. She always makes me feel proud of what I have accomplished so far, and excited for what is to come. Hopefully this post will show you exactly why you should take advantage of this incredible resource!
According to their website, the Center for Career Development offers “one-on-one assistance to help you plan and achieve career success.” Over the past two years, I have gone to them for advice on how to find internships, help on filling out applications, advice on law schools post-graduation, résumé editing, mock interviews, and more.
My best experiences with the Center for Career Development–and with my favorite adviser–have been centered around summer plans. I was first drawn to the office my first year at Princeton when I began looking for internships. I needed to update my résumé, and I didn’t know where to start looking for an internship that suited my interests. My adviser went through my entire résumé with a careful eye, pulling out unnecessary details and highlighting the important ones. At the end of the appointment, I had a completely new résumé that looked nothing like what I had before–it was 100 times better!
After updating my résumé, my adviser and I made a list of all the places I could start looking for internships, including IIP and PICS. A few days later, I came back for another appointment to review my application materials. I even submitted them at the office with my adviser! Even though I did not end up participating in either the IIP or PICS program my summer before sophomore year, I went back to my adviser the next fall and went through the same process, even adding mock interviews to the mix. She prepared me so well that I felt 100% confident when I walked in to my actual interviews. With her help, I ended up interning at a law firm in downtown Manhattan working in the immigration department.
However, the Center for Career Development expertise isn’t only confined to the one-on-ones. There are drop-in advising hours for students without appointments, which fits within the hectic schedule of a Princeton student. The Center for Career Development also has a Pop-Up Shop every spring semester where they give away lightly worn, high-quality professional clothing donated by the Princeton community. Although I have not yet utilized this Pop-Up Shop, I know a lot of students who have benefited greatly from it by gaining access to high-quality pieces.
The Center for Career Development is a gem within this wonderful university. I recommend it to everyone, and I expect to use it a lot more in the coming months as I finalize my plans for next summer and continue solidifying my post-graduation plans!
—Andrea Reino, Social Sciences Correspondent