Want a great way to connect with the Princeton research community, meet new friends, and earn some money along the way? Join PCUR! If you’re reading this article, chances are you would be perfect for the job, but don’t hesitate to share this post with folks you think might be interested!
Princeton Correspondents on Undergraduate Research (PCUR for short) is a blog written by students with an interest in all things research. We write on everything from what we learned as beginner researchers to our favorite courses at Princeton.
What does it take to be a PCUR correspondent?
I think a common misconception about PCUR is that you have to have lots of research experience to be a good correspondent, but this is not the case! First of all, you probably have more experience than you think. Ever been through a little class called a writing seminar? Yep, that’s research experience! Even if you feel inexperienced, as long as you are willing to reflect on your journey as a Princeton student and share what you’ve learned with others you would be perfect!
Can I still be a PCUR Correspondent even though I am not a science major?
Yes of course! We have PCUR correspondents from all types of backgrounds, from COS BSE to SPIA to Art History. You can check out our correspondents page for more info on what we study.
Our favorite parts about PCUR
If you’re still not convinced, here are some quotes from our current correspondents about their favorite parts of PCUR:
“I have been a Correspondent since my first year and absolutely love it! Through PCUR, I am able to share my research experiences, learn from my peers, and publish pieces that I am passionate about!” – Ryan Champeau ’23, Social Sciences Correspondent
“My favorite part of PCUR is building a community of researchers to learn from each other and recognize that even when research doesn’t go your way, you can always learn and grow from your experiences!” – Virginia Cobbs ’25, Chief Correspondent + Natural Sciences Correspondent
“I love hearing about what other research people are up to.”- Agnes Robang ’23, Engineering Correspondent
“I like job flexibility and that you can work whenever you want.” – Kate Weseley-Jones ’25, Humanities Correspondent
“I love interviewing students on campus and learning more about their summer internship and research experiences!” – Alexis Wu ’25, Engineering Correspondent
Job details:
The priority application deadline is March 24th, 2023. You must be a currently enrolled Princeton undergraduate student to apply, and you can apply right through Student Employment. The job title is “PCUR Correspondent 2023-2024” and the ID is 7326. The application asks you to submit:
- A cover letter describing your research path
- A sample post of 400-700 words (reference posts on the site to help in your thinking!)
- A copy of your resume
You can direct any questions to our@princeton.edu.
—Virginia Cobbs, Chief Correspondent